Today I'm going over how to become more successful on Instagram!
Lets get started!
10. Be an active liker and commenter
This is very important to your success on Instagram. When on Instagram like everything in your feed, it doesn't do harm to like a photo, and sometimes it attracts attention. (i.e.) Today I was scrolling through my feed, and I liked a photo of a person I haven't seen for a long time. Two minutes later, they spammed me with likes, and liked almost all of my photos. I spammed back and they replied thanks with 2 emojis. If you spam an account don't ask for a spam back, they most likely will. Commenting is vital to reaching your max potential followers. Comment on accounts with mass followers, something cool like that won't be direct promo to your account, but will make people want to follow you. Comment on people who aren't following you back, and maybe they will. Don't comment "f4f" or "follow me back" or anything like that, simply comment something like an emoji or "#artsy" which leads into the next part. Hashtags.9. Hashtags
Be simple with your hashtags; don't make a hashtag with more then 6 words. #Peoplewillgetannoyedbecauseitshardtoreadespeciallyifyourdyslexic. Be zen, have a balance between the extremes. Its annoying when your scrolling through your feed, and theres a picture of a cat and the persons all like #fandom #5secondsofsummer #love #HarryPotter #Nails #Starbucks #Whitegirl #lion #rainbow #PercyJackson #followme #sixpack #bands #coldplay #ZoeRosicki #myblogissoamazing #yougetthepoint. Its annoying, and its false advertising. If I searched up the tag Percy Jackson, then I wanna see some fandom pics not a cat. That being said, don't not hashtag. If you post a picture right an abstract caption, and then put a hashtag or maybe two. Something simple like #artsy or #icecream.8. Activity
This is something that people struggle with the most. If you want people to follow you, don't spam them with posts. It can be annoying, and even cause unfollowers if they can't see anybody in their feed but you. Posting 1-3 pictures a day for a personal account is ideal, and for something like a fandom posting 2-5 times a day is ideal. Once again have your balance, don't not post ever. I personally only post a photo maybe once a week, but I keep my followers engaged by commenting and liking often. Some people post every 5 weeks, and they can never build a strong follower count because of it.
7. Be friendly
It's ok to be nice and say hi to people sometimes. If you see someones post, and you haven't talked to them in a while, its ok to randomly say hi! People love when people are nice! Its SCIENTIFICALLY proven. Sometimes giving someone a long and random TBH will make their day, and they might reward you with a Shoutout, or a TBH back, ((Which is good for your street cred because if you click on someone, and they have 20 TBHS on a post you'll think their cool) also scientifically proven)
6. Captions
This goes along directly with hashtags, do not overdue the caption. Its ok to use fancy formatting and cool font generators to make your captions pop, but thats not necessary to have a good caption. A good caption needs to state what the picture is, why, and be abstract. It can be as simple as 6 words. "Usie with friends @ the park" or "Downtown with some friends" or "Just got some new beats #pimpin". Quotes work well to, as long as you don't quote like a whole entire book. When captioning your picture, know when to put emojis on or not. If you have a pic of you in a sweater with the cap"Finally sweater weather," its ok to add a snowflake emoji!
5. Show of your popularity
Every time your with your friends, snap a pic showing you being socially active. Wether its a picture of you guys hanging out, or a picture of your Starbucks fraps all held together make SURE to seize the opportunity. Make sure to tag them to, so people don't think that you drank all 7 fraps. Show off your squad to the world, people will be more inclined to follow you if you seem popular
4. Don't do random crap to attract attention
Don't try to attract attention drastically. Let me tell you a story, there was this girl at my school, lets call her S Boberson. So S (Ha SOS) she was hated on for a lot of reasons. She wasn't even fat and she wasn't that ugly either, but people hated on her (not really bullied but people would be mean behind her back) so anyways one day she posted a picture on Instagram. The picture said something like this "OMG this person is so mean, how could they do something like this, everybody go block this person right now its terrible!" The picture was basically of someones insta profile, and the name was "IhateSBoberson" (not literally but I'm not using real names) so anyways she basically gave a shoutout to this person. Everybody (including me) commented on S's profile things like "Oh my God, I am so sorry this person is terrible, blah blah blah" basically this account was a hate account, and it called S fat, and stupid and yata yata. So my school reported to insta (I don't know exactly how it worked) but in the end it turned out that this girl had made the hate account herself, and she posted about it to get sympathy from people. So all of these people saying the "I'm so sorry, your not ugly" she just wanted people to do that.
3. Shoutouts
Sfs, also known as shoutouts for shoutouts can be a great way to earn followers, but beware sfs is also a way to lose followers. When asking someone for sfs, ask someone with equal or more followers then you; you wouldn't want to be taken advantage of. When shouting someone out don't do one of those things like "Want a shoutout, then follow the users below!" or "This celebrity turned bad! See it
on @blahblahblah" people hate that. If you want people to actually follow this person, and not unfollow you, do something simple that sounds like its not an sfs like "Hey guys, sorry for the shoutout, but its my dear friend Pablo's birthday, so go follow his account @Z.o.e.s_insta" "Hey its @pablogarcia here, and I just wanted to tell you to go follow my friend @Z.o.e.s_insta because she posts amazing photos"
on @blahblahblah" people hate that. If you want people to actually follow this person, and not unfollow you, do something simple that sounds like its not an sfs like "Hey guys, sorry for the shoutout, but its my dear friend Pablo's birthday, so go follow his account @Z.o.e.s_insta" "Hey its @pablogarcia here, and I just wanted to tell you to go follow my friend @Z.o.e.s_insta because she posts amazing photos"
2. Stick to your followers
This one is pretty big. If you made a follower base from posting fandom pictures, don't just suddenly switch to a personal account. Doing a sudden change can make you lose followers, and we wouldn't want that. If you want your personal account to have the same amount of followers as your other account shoutouts are a good way to transfer followers. Post material that you think your followers will join. Again know your limits.
1. Bio
The bio is easily the most essential part to success on Instagram. First you need to decide what approach to take. There's the short bio with a couple words, something like "wait what?" Or "strong selfie game". Then there's the long bio, this is very effective but a lot of effort goes into this. First write out everything you want to say into notes. (This is very important because Instagram has special formatting.) Then you can decide wether you wanna take it up a step and use fonts. Fonts are a great way to make your text pop, I personally use the webstools font generater: Font Generater. The magic spaces are also great for bio centering, simply google "magic spaces instagram" to find them. I'll attach a picture of my old bios if you want to see them.
Well thanks guys for reading my first official blog posts. Subscribe to my blog (you can do that right? Follow me in Instagram (so I can claim my tips work) @Z.o.e.s_insta
Twitter: Zoe_Rosicki
Love ya'll comment anymore things that I may have missed
TBH This took 2 hours of writing, and an hour of planing so your welcome
Well thanks guys for reading my first official blog posts. Subscribe to my blog (you can do that right? Follow me in Instagram (so I can claim my tips work) @Z.o.e.s_insta
Twitter: Zoe_Rosicki
Love ya'll comment anymore things that I may have missed
TBH This took 2 hours of writing, and an hour of planing so your welcome